Overcoming water shortages in the Himalayan deserts
In the shadow of the world’s highest mountain range there is a drought as rain does not make it past the peaks.
He saves forests using old mobile phones
Huge areas of tropical rainforest disappear every day due to illegal logging. This is why Topher White is installing electronic “ears” in the jungle. Made from recycled technology, these work as a networked warning system. He was awarded the Rolex Award for Enterprise for his project.
That’s why Rolex supports unusual people
Rolex Awards for Enterprise honour people who do something special – for our society and our planet. Rolex has been presenting this award for more than 40 years. 150 people have been honoured for ground-breaking, innovative projects.
Research for sustaining our planet
Rolex has been supporting expeditions and research projects for a long time. The new “Perpetual Planet” campaign focuses on the urgent question: what do we have to do to make a globally relevant contribution to improving our living conditions and to protect our planet?
He teaches paraplegics to walk
They have lost control over their bodies – but Grégoire Courtine, a neuroscientist, uses pioneering new technology to hand control back to his paraplegic patients. He was consequently awarded the Rolex Award for Enterprise.
She turns plastic waste into a raw material
Plastic waste is everywhere - nature has practically no remedy for plastic. This is where technology comes in. Miranda Wang is developing procedures that turn plastic waste into useful raw materials. For this she received the Rolex Award for Enterprise.
Our unique planet - Die Welt
With its “Perpetual Planet” campaign, Rolex supports extraordinary individuals and organisations carrying out an important task sustaining our planet.